

Rotary River Park

Burger Cabin sign
Info Sign

Burger Cabin
June 2018

Burger Cabin
May 2009

Feb. 2009

June 2005

June 2005

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The Burger Cabin
(Unless otherwise indicated, photos by Don of

(Click on the picture for larger view)

Located in Rotary River Park across from the playground
and not far from McCaig Gardens.
(Closed during the winter months)

The Wakamow place for your summer treats; burgers, fries, ice-cream, shakes, etc.

(The following information is from the Burger Cabin Information Sign)

The original River Park Cabin was built in the late 1920s close to where you are standing. It operated until the mid 1940s.

Pic from Sign

Pic from Sign
In 1958 Trix & Chic Wray and a partner purchased the Swing Inn drive-in which had living quarters in the back. The Wrays moved in along with their 3 children. They operated the Swing Inn as a seasonal business selling hamburgers and hot dogs. Kentucky Fried chicken was a new product to hit the market. In 1960 the Wrays saw the opportunity and aquired the Moose Jaw franchise. KFC took over the living quarters of the building and the Wrays family moved to a house in Wellesley Park and added 2 more children to the family.
The Swing Inn became a thriving business and many times during 2 for 1 snack specials customers would line up for the savings. Many customers enjoyed the beautiful garden surrounding the Swing Inn. In the spring of 1974 the entire valley was flooded, the water level were 4 feet up the windows in the photo at the right. After sitting vacant for 13 years the Swing Inn was demolished and the Wray family rebuilt to replicate the original Park Cabin. Customers enjoy the Wray Family Hospitality to this day while admiring the beautiful gardens.

Pic from Sign