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2020 Pics

4th Ave SW
Bird Checklist
Burger Cabin
     Bench Plaques
     Bridge Builders
     Connor Park
           Challenge Course
     Connor Park Donors
     CO-OP Inclusive
     Donors List
     Ecological Zone
     The First Project
     Older Persons
     River Park Patrons
     Roots in MJ
     Suspension Bridge
     TCT Pavilion
Churchill Park
Connor Park
Devonian Trail
The Edith Mural
Grayson's Dam Area
Kingsway Ecological Zone
Kinsmen Wellesley Park
Kiwanis River Park
Lions River Park
Lorne Calvert Campground
Maryland Park
McCaig Gardens
Moose Jaw Trolley Co.
Paashkwow Park
     2019,   2018
     2017,   2016
     2013,   2011
     2010,   2009
     2008,   2007
     2006,   2005
     2004,   2003
     2002,   2001
Plaxton's Lake
Postcards Mural
Reekie Uplands
River Valley Growers
Rotary River Park
Shoreline Project
Speed Skating Oval
Tatawaw Park
Terra the Turtle
Trans Canada Trail
Wagon Ride
Wakamow Office
Fmr Animal Park

MJ Links
(An Unofficial Wakamow Site)

Located along the Moose Jaw River Valley in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada.

Wakamow is a series of parks and other lands located within the Moose Jaw River Valley. There are several individual parks within Wakamow:
Plaxton's Lake, complete with sun shelter and boardwalk.
Lions River Park, picnic tables and barbecues. Kiwanis River Park, picnic tables, fire pit, and the outdoor Speed Skating Oval.
Rotary River Park, the Burger Cabin, McCaig Gardens, playground, and sun shelter.
Kinsmen Wellesley Park, playground, sun shelter, picnic tables and barbecues.
Connor Park, barbecues, canoe lauch, firepit, picnic tables, pavillon, and playground.
Paashkwow Park, walk the suspension bridge.

Other areas of Wakamow include the Reekie Uplands, located along the South Eastern lands above the valley; the Trans Canada Trail between the Reekie Uplands and Connor Park. Kingsway Ecological Zone, complete with a trail through four ecological zones.
The Devonian Trail, a 4.2 km pedestrian and cycling asphalt pathway from near Union Hospital, through Plaxton's Lake, Lions River Park and Rotary River Park to Kinsmen Wellesley Park.
The River Valley Campground located across the road from Kiwanis River Park provides seasonal camping and motorhome spots.
Farming, some residential housing and even a private greenhouse also help create a unique and diverse valley setting.

Burger Cabin

Copyrighted Material
Unless otherwise noted all photographs were taken by Don of and are the property of this website. Any commercial use requires permission.
Non Commercial use. eg tourism material, school projects, event directions is freely granted as long as credit is given to

(This is an unofficial Wakamow site)
(There is no official connection between and the Wakamow Valley Authority)