S.I.A.S.T.: Regina

Wascana Park

Saskatchewan Polytechnic
(Originally built as the Plains Health Centre)
(Click on a Photo to Enlarge)

  Located at 4500 Wascana Parkway, across the overpass. South of the University of Regina main campus.
Formerly known as SIAST: Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Arts and Science. Before the move to the current location some classes were held at the Albert South Campus, ( corner of Albert Street & 23rd Avenue) and Parkway Campus (Wascana Parkway).

Interesting Links

Sask Polytech Website

(Unless otherwise indicated, photos by Don of www.WascanaPark.com)

Jan. 2004 SW Oct. 2003 West Oct. 2003 West Oct. 2003 North Oct. 2003 West South Abert Campus Parkway Campus
