(Click Below)

Wascana Park

2 Research Dr.
Ad Hum
Archer Library
Classroom Building
College Avenue
College West
Darke Hall
Day Care
Desease Control Lab
Education Building
Emergency Energy Centre
Gallery Building
Green Gas Tech Centre
Heating Plant
Innovation Place
Kinesiology Centre
Laboratory Building
   Lab. Addition
Language Institute
Luther College
Maintenance Building
New Res
Parking Lots
Riddell Centre
Tech Developement
The Terrace

University of Regina
(This is an UNOFFICIAL U.of R.Site)

Located in the city of  Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Within   Wascana Centre.

"The University was initially established as the Regina Campus of the University of Saskatchewan, but became an independent institution on July 1, 1974."
The university main campus, located along Wascana Parkway, has expanded greatly these past few years. In addition to the undergraduate and graduate departments, residences, sports complex and main library, a research and development section is located here.
The First Nations University of Canada is also located here.

The extension division is located along College Avenue in the 1911 era building. This building, established in 1911 by the Methodist Church of Canada, was transfered to the University of Saskatchewan due to financial restraits of the 1930s.
Darke Hall is also located here.
The old university maintenance building, heating plant, and gymanasium were demolsished several yaears ago.

(This is an unofficial site)
For the official University of Regina Site Click Here Unless otherwise specified.
Photographs by Don of www.WascanaPark.com